The juggle is real: making work work for you
I’ve had so many conversations with mums thinking about or preparing to go back to work after parental leave lately.
It’s been really interesting to hear how different people approach this new chapter.
Everyone has their own unique set of circumstances and specific needs in order to find a happy balance between motherhood and career.
Just make sure when the time comes, you score a sweet deal for you and your family.
Here are a few common pitfalls to watch out for:
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking part-time means you are any less valuable in the workforce or have something extra to prove (research shows that part-time workers feel the need to prove their worth more than full-timers, yet the evidence shows that part-time workers are more productive and efficient because they know they have less time to get things done).
Don’t apologise for seeking out family-friendly work practices and flexibility (eg early starts and finishes and regular working from home days).
Don’t neglect ‘you time’ once you are back at work. It’s so easy to feel that once your child starts daycare all your non-work time should be about your little one. (You are at your best when you remember to fill your cup).
Be prepared to let things slide (a hard one for me!). The juggle is real.