Every year in January, I write my CV from scratch. A blank page.
Every year it changes, to align with who I am (or who I’m not) today.
Every year it reflects the direction I would head in, if I went back to corporate.
And every year I wonder if I could ACTUALLY get a job, if I ever decided to re-enter the traditional job-market.
I’ve just returned from a week at the beach with my partner and our four kids, aged 5 to 10 years old, and I’m shattered.
Kids are fucking whiny.
Co-parents can be a pain in the arse.
I struggle without the comfort of my routines and rituals…
Read MoreI struggled to write my last newsletter of the year, so it was late. I convinced myself it had to say something profound, for it to be memorable, or in someway shinier than the 11 that came before it this year.
Read MoreThis was the point in coaching where she started to cry for the first time.
Her husband was trying to be encouraging, but to her (like many of my beautiful, smart, hardworking, kind, funny clients in a similar boat) these words were deeply hurtful.
At the crux of much of my work with clients is decision-making.
Decision-making is hard, especially when the stakes are high, all of the options are complicated, or you aren't confident you can make the right call.
Read MoreDon’t discount the value of volunteer work and outside interests in your career strategy.
I’ve seen clients make BIG career shifts off the back of the skills and experience they gained through volunteer work.
Read MoreI remember attending my first SLT meeting. I was terrified. I was the youngest in the room and one of a handful of women.
Read MoreI see a lot of tears during coaching calls. And I see such huge relief after they have been shed. Sometimes people can't understand why.
Read MoreSomething my clients often talk to me about is a fear of making the wrong decision, or, a fixation with making the right one. Same same, but different. Fear or fixation, the end result is often similar - you stay stuck.
Read MoreBeing a single mum is both the hardest and the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I know, wild! How can it be both? I think things are so often, both.
Read MoreThis is something that comes up in coaching all. the. time. A lot of my clients have at least low-level anxiety or wobbly confidence despite being high performing and highly capable, with high standards.
Read MoreYou’ve probably heard me say the best time for coaching, interview prep and getting your CV in order is when you aren’t under pressure to find that new job! It’s never too early for clarity and confidence when it comes to your career.
Read MoreIf there’s one thing I’ve sensed across the board this week, it’s a general sense of overwhelm.
There is some heavy energy knocking around.
You'd have to have been living under a rock for the past year or so to have missed the fact that the cost of living is rising, but most people's pay cheques aren't…
Read MoreMaybe you, like many of the women I speak to, have a Good Reason to stay in that job that sucks the life out of you. Do you? Because it’s a very easy trap to fall into.
What’s your Good Reason?
Read MoreNew Year’s resolutions get a bad rap sometimes. And I get it - if you want to change or achieve something, why wait until 1 January to start right?
Read MoreI particularly liked this card from a client who recently finished working with me in my Align to Thrive career coaching program, and not just because the message was so sweet.
Read MoreIt might be scary, it might not be convenient and it might be hard work, but if you’re asking yourself “how do I know if it’s time to find a new job?” the answer is it probably is.
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