Mindset matters
A huge part of my work as a coach is helping clients cultivate the right mindset to take them where they want to go professionally. Sometimes the right job is easy to find, but cultivating a rock-solid mindset takes time.
An amazing mindset creates great results.
An amazing mindset, the right tools (a standout CV and cover letter) AND an intentionally crafted career strategy creates epic results.
But if your mindset isn’t working for you? You can have the world’s best CV and cover letter, and a smart career strategy, and unfortunately, you just won’t create results.
Remember, you can change jobs or career paths, but you bring yourself with you wherever you go.
Imposter Syndrome, limiting beliefs, a lack of boundaries, people-pleasing, perfectionism, and all those other confidence-zappers are going to follow you into that brilliant new job or career change, UNLESS you tackle them head on. Left lurking, they will only cause further unnecessary angst, and that’s the last thing you want when you have found a great new job or career.
Not all my clients come to me looking for a new job. Sometimes they aren’t happy with how they are showing up professionally and want to work out how things could be different (better!).
Sometimes clients want to work on their mindset long before it’s time to find a new job or make a career change (smart!).
Curious what this looks like in practice? Here are some mindset matters I’ve been supporting my clients to work on -
What kind of leader do you aspire to be and how can you shift into that?
What are some of the old habits and ways of being you are ready to say goodbye to as you step into a new role?
What are the ways you can honour your values at work, and if this has been a challenge for you in the past, why?
What are some of the boundaries you want to put in place and how can you implement them in a way that doesn’t terrify you?
What are some of the reasons you stayed in your job for years too long or struggled to step up to the next level?
What limiting beliefs would you like to challenge and release?
What are some of the unhelpful patterns you’ve noticed repeating through your career and how can you break them?
Mindset work can be sticky and hard. I find it sticky and hard too. Just ask my coach! Small Circle turned 1 this week. I’ve been fully booked for the past 8 months without a dollar spent on advertising, yet I STILL choose to work on my mindset, because I know it's one of the key enablers to my business continuing to grow and flourish. It will make me a better coach and a better business owner. As my coach says, ‘you can’t sustainably out-action a mindset that is limiting you’
Have you thought about how your mindset is impacting your career?