How do I know when it's time to look for a new job?

It might be scary, it might not be convenient and it might be hard work, but if you’re asking yourself “how do I know if it’s time to find a new job?” the answer is it probably is.

If you’d like to spend some time sitting with the idea, here are some good questions to reflect on.

💭 Do I still add value to my job?
💭 Am I still learning, developing, and growing in my job?
💭 Would my salary/remuneration look different if I moved elsewhere?
💭 How does my job impact on my work/life balance, and does something need to change?
💭 Is there anywhere further this role could take me?
💭 Am I still showing up for work as my best self or are things starting to slide?
💭 How aligned do I feel to my organisation’s values and missions?
💭 How much do I care about playing a part in helping my organisation achieve its goals and objectives?

The truth is, when you know you know, even if it’s an inconvenient truth and you try to bury it.

If you’d like some support in working through your stay or go thought process, shoot me a message or grab a free career crossroads coaching call via here.

Hannah HammadComment