I get the loveliest messages from the loveliest clients!
I get the loveliest messages from the loveliest clients.
I particularly liked this card from a client who recently finished working with me in my Align to Thrive career coaching program, and not just because the message was so sweet.
It’s because the front of the card said “Yay, we did it!!” and this is so, so important in coaching.
Sometimes I get feedback from clients who say ‘they couldn’t have done it without me’ and while I definitely appreciate being appreciated, I believe my clients get their results through their own hard work and determination. Where I come in is by helping them find that all important career clarity, developing their mindset and banishing any limiting beliefs or imposter syndrome, and setting them up with the strategy and tools they need to achieve their career goals. The rest is up to them.
Clients get the results they do, when they do the work.
I can’t send off the job application for them.
I can’t have the conversation about boundaries with their boss.
I can’t go to interview on their behalf.
I can’t ask for the pay rise they deserve.
I can’t journal their thoughts for them.
I can’t do their in between coaching sessions homework for them.
I can’t decide what career path they should follow.
BUT, I’m there along the way to encourage, cheerlead, troubleshoot, strategise, advise, and call them out when needed.
I work in partnership with my clients to help them get the results they want for themselves - we are very much a ‘we’ - and nothing gives me the warm and fuzzies more than when they finish working with me with not only the career outcome they were after, but also feeling really proud of themselves for having achieved it.
And that friends, is why I liked this card so much.