Is it time to unleash your earning potential?

Unleash your earning potential: the power of salary negotiation and personal branding.

You'd have to have been living under a rock for the past year or so to have missed the fact that the cost of living is rising, but most people's pay cheques aren't. Since the pandemic slowed down and ceased making headline news, increased mortgage rates and the cost of groceries have dominated the media.

Now, you can look for ways to trim back your expenses like cutting back on how many coffees you consume each week or questioning what luxuries you can temporarily do without. Don't get me wrong, all that can make a difference when you tally it up at the end of the year.


If you follow me on social media, you'll know one thing I often talk about when it comes to client results is scoring an epic pay rise.

Some of my clients secure pay rises in the region of $50,000. That isn't something that all my clients pull off, but they do score themselves the sweetest deal with my support.

So, what can you do that is more likely to get you a positive result?

Here's the thing: the increase you receive doesn't solely depend on the number of years you've worked in a business or your most recent job title. Those are just pieces of the puzzle.

The other part? It's all about being able to effectively convey the invaluable aspects that make employers truly take notice.

Sure, many people have degrees and a few years of experience under their belts. But very few people are able to communicate those qualities that make employers go "wow".

Your untapped potential
Your alignment with the company's values and culture
Your self-awareness and understanding of your unique strengths
Your natural leadership abilities
Your sense of purpose and what drives you
And, to be honest, your personality and likability factor

My clients didn't change a single thing about themselves; they simply shifted how they marketed their unique personal brand. Same individuals. Different outcomes.

So, do you think it's time to increase your earning potential? 

Ask yourself, what would even an extra $10,000 mean to me, and my lifestyle? Do I want to cancel my gym membership or cut back on coffee, or do I enjoy those things and might it be better to increase my income?

I know what I would choose.

Want to know what my clients say?

"Working with Hannah has been a critical component of a very necessary change in my life. My journey with her was initially a self evaluation of where I am and what I want, with the end goal of initially seeking greater employment opportunities elsewhere. Instead, it became a renegotiation and subsequent increase of my current salary (more than 20% growth), and taking the time I needed to focus on my physical and mental health. I have no doubt you will find success if you commit to working with Hannah. Provided you invest in yourself, she will be able to invest in you and assist you to find success."

"After just three sessions I am motivated to look for a position I can see myself in for the long term, and to feel confident I can market myself better.  I feel like this was long overdue for me and well worth it.  She also helped negotiate a better salary than I would have asked for, which was amazing!"

"Working with Hannah has helped me not just professionally, but personally too. Working with her has given me clarity on what I want in my career going forward, in addition to personal projects I've always wanted to begin. She has helped me navigate a raise and a promotion. Hannah is unique in that she understands what it is like to be a mother too. She is so encouraging, asks really great questions and was just really wonderful to work with."

"Hannah was great to work with. Hannah really helped me pinpoint where to next in my career and gave me the confidence to follow my passions, which I had put off doing for years. Hannah was also wonderful at helping me assert myself when it came to salary and the best ways to communicate this with my employer. I really valued my sessions with Hannah and her expertise."

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