There’s a storm brewing out there. Can you feel it?
If there’s one thing I’ve sensed across the board this week, it’s a general sense of overwhelm.
There is some heavy energy knocking around.
Too much to think about, too much to do, too many options, too many unknowns. For some of us, our natural response to ‘too much’ is ‘do more’. And for others it’s ‘do nothing’.
Neither will serve you. Like everything, it’s a balance.
On a session with a client yesterday, she shared that she felt she was running out of time to find her next role, with her current contract ending in early October, and was feeling so overwhelmed by the number of roles she’d shortlisted to apply for and the pressures of a full-on leadership position and motherhood that she’d applied for none.
Together we worked through the list, and picked out the five that were actually great opportunities worthy of her time and effort in applying. The rest weren’t. They were too junior. The organisations weren’t a good fit for her. She was settling because she was panicking. We agreed a timeframe - a date on which she was allowed to revisit her non-negotiable and adjust the sails if needed. For now, she needs to keep shooting for the moon.
I made sure before we ended our session that she was clear on when exactly she was going to write those five applications, what approach she should take for each, and how long she would spend on them.
We broke it down until she felt in control again.
I have two amazing clients at the moment facing redundancies and restructures - both want ‘out’, which was why they originally connected with me for coaching, but they wanted out on their terms and in their timeframes.
Neither saw having to fight for their existing job in the tea leaves. I completely get it. One of the reasons it can be such a blow to find out you’re in the potential firing line for a redundancy or changed role when you’re job hunting anyway, is because it can feel like you’re having to double your efforts. It’s an added layer to cut through. A heavier load to carry. Energy and headspace you don’t necessarily have to spare.
Overwhelm quickly descends and it feels hard to know where to focus your efforts. This sense of urgency that wasn’t there a week ago, suddenly is and before you know it, you’re catastrophising and considering getting a job at the IGA before you even know if your head is on the block. And so you start to panic apply for jobs, you lower your standards, you start to focus on all the things that are ‘wrong’ with you and you step into the job hunting process as less than the best version of you.
I’ll be there to make sure my clients don't slip down that slope!
The other thing I’ve felt this week, particularly within the calls I’ve had with professional mums, is that a lot of you are feeling a bit lost. Lost both in terms of who you are, and also, where you’d like to go next.
Being lost is overwhelming. Whether you feel you have limited options, or too many options, when you’re in a place of re-discovery and re-creation, it can be very overwhelming.
I see you lost mamas, and I have been where you are, twice.
When it all feels ‘too much’, break it down.
If thinking about the month ahead feels too big, think about the day you are in. If that’s too much, make it an hour. Break it down to the next 5 minutes if you need to. And do what you need to in order to feel a sense of reclaiming control over whatever is overwhelming you in that moment.
What is the single most important thing you can do in this moment to give yourself the space or clarity you need to tackle the bigger picture?
For me, the answer is so often to stop and breathe, before moving into action.
If this message spoke to you, let me know. I’d love to know what’s overwhelming you the most right now, and if I can help you simplify things and move forward with clarity and confidence.
Here for you x