How long are you willing to wait?
I meet a lot of people in my work as a coach, who are waiting. Waiting for something to happen before they take action. The ironic thing? That ‘thing’ often isn’t coming UNTIL we take the action, which makes for a verrrrry long wait…
The things people often tell me they are waiting for?
More Time
A theme that crops up frequently with the women I work with is time. They just don’t have enough of it. Here’s the kicker - they aren’t going to get more of it without consciously creating it. If you don’t make the time for the things that matter to you the most, no one else will.
The Right Time
I’ll tell you a secret – it’s never The Right Time. This notion that one day in the future a perfect set of circumstances will come together, creating the perfect ‘right time’? It just won’t happen. What does it even mean? How would you know when it arrived? The only time you have is now, which makes now the right time.
I hate to break it to you, but you aren’t going to wake up one day feeling more confident. I’m sorry. The only ways to grow your confidence are to shift your thinking (mindset work) or altering the things you do (taking practical steps).
Particularly with women, even more so with mums, it can feel SO HARD to prioritise or facilitate something we want for ourselves. So we wait, for someone else to suggest, agree or support us towards a course of action because it feels less selfish or self-indulgent that way. Grant yourself the permission - you are, after all, a responsible adult, capable of making sound decisions.
What do these four things have in common? They all keep you nice and safe, in your comfort zone. The problem with comfort zones is after a while, they become distinctly uncomfortable.
A much more effective strategy than waiting, is taking action. And action doesn’t necessarily mean massive change or a complete overhaul. Sometimes small actions lead to big results.
Everyone has a different tolerance level for how far and how quickly they push out of their comfort zone. The hardest part of stepping outside your comfort zone is often the first step, but it’s a great place to start and much more likely to yield results than waiting…